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11 commentaires
Ouroboros 28

Really I know it is wrong but I have been rooting for this guy all along

Ouroboros 11/03/2012 15:50:18   
TroyB 41

Ouroboros a dit:Really I know it is wrong but I have been rooting for this guy all along

Raul has a lot of fans . Now in writing the scenario, I feel guilty when I think about killing him :gentleman-pipe:

TroyB 11/03/2012 16:08:26   
BlazingBarrager 2

I never did like mind readers. lol

BlazingBarrager 12/03/2012 12:55:56   
TroyB 41

BlazingBarrager a dit:I never did like mind readers. lol

Raul neither

TroyB 13/03/2012 09:35:11   
BlazingBarrager 2

TroyB a dit:BlazingBarrager a dit:I never did like mind readers. lol

Raul neither

Raul hates powers period. I bet he's jealous he doesn't have any. lol

BlazingBarrager 14/03/2012 03:32:40   
felixng2011 1

Noooooo! Beat the crap out of that bastard Raul! That doesn't make sense though. She can dodge bullets. How can she not dodge a punch from Raul? Unless Raul punches faster than bullets -.-.

felixng2011 12/03/2012 19:32:33   
TroyB 41

felixng2011 a dit:She can dodge bullets. How can she not dodge a punch from Raul? Unless Raul punches faster than bullets -.-.

Bullets are faster than Raul fists, but Raul is more accurate in aiming than the guys shooting the bullets.
The guys shooting are "slow and predictable" in their shooting .

TroyB 13/03/2012 09:32:37   
Ouroboros 28

felixng2011 a dit:Noooooo! Beat the crap out of that bastard Raul! That doesn't make sense though. She can dodge bullets. How can she not dodge a punch from Raul? Unless Raul punches faster than bullets -.-.

Nobody complains when batman is abble to hit superman, same thing really.

Raul is used fighting super natural beings while remaining more or less human.

like Batman, Guts from Berserk, or Ido from Battle Angel Alita

Ouroboros 13/03/2012 14:58:31   
McLeod 15

Ouroboros a dit:felixng2011 a dit:Noooooo! Beat the crap out of that bastard Raul! That doesn't make sense though. She can dodge bullets. How can she not dodge a punch from Raul? Unless Raul punches faster than bullets -.-.

Nobody complains when batman is abble to hit superman, same thing really.

yes totally 100% true !

McLeod 14/03/2012 11:05:58   
mcgrnwlf 8

so she can read minds?
i always thought it was more like
battle prediction

mcgrnwlf 09/04/2012 05:18:35   
Minar 1

or a spider sense

Minar 15/03/2013 03:36:56   

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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : tze

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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