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7 commentaires
Adamantine 2

TroyB a dit:Adamantine a dit:TroyB a dit:So no one's trying to guess what's in next page ?

nothing good for Raul, that's for sure

Ok, you said "fore sure", we'll see that .

Bad Troy, you made it on purpose so that I'd be wrong :p

N.B.: are you sure Amilova is the main character of this comics?

Adamantine 30/03/2012 10:05:00   
TroyB 41

Adamantine a dit:
N.B.: are you sure Amilova is the main character of this comics?

That's an excellent question .
She's the main, but she's not the only one . You'll see in the near future .

TroyB 30/03/2012 10:16:31   
Adamantine 2

TroyB a dit:Adamantine a dit:
N.B.: are you sure Amilova is the main character of this comics?

That's an excellent question .
She's the main, but she's not the only one . You'll see in the near future .

[ spoiled brat]I hate that sentence, I love spoiler That's so unfair > < [ spoiled brat] Ah well, I'll wait then

Adamantine 30/03/2012 10:25:12   
Adamantine 2

On a translator note, I hesitated between 'to end this' and 'to put an end to this', and used the former because it seemed (to me) to be more fluent. Any opinion?

Adamantine 30/03/2012 10:25:44   
Robot Panda 7

Adamantine a dit:On a translator note, I hesitated between 'to end this' and 'to put an end to this', and used the former because it seemed (to me) to be more fluent. Any opinion?

It comes down to taste really. Some people will like 'to end this' better, others will like 'to put an end to this'. The latter sounds cheesier, as if a villain talking to Arnold Schwarzenegger in any B movie.

Robot Panda 30/03/2012 14:45:22   
whump 1

this fight is badass

whump 31/03/2012 21:28:58   
mcgrnwlf 8

I sense a drop kick to the face

mcgrnwlf 09/04/2012 05:28:01   
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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : tze

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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