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9197 vues
8 commentaires
coldasice 1

that sucked. no more amilova -.-
or is it just cuz i can only read 5 pages? per day?

coldasice 10/04/2012 06:46:23   
TroyB 41

coldasice a dit:that sucked. no more amilova -.-
or is it just cuz i can only read 5 pages? per day?

You can read 5 new pages per week, before it was only 3, I think it's getting more cool no ?

TroyB 10/04/2012 09:23:43   
coldasice 1

yeah i didnt see that one be4 cuz i wasn never that far behind ^^

well awsome! if it was 3 and now 5. keep up the good work

coldasice 10/04/2012 17:03:27   
TroyB 41

coldasice a dit: keep up the good work

Thanks for your nice comment, this kind of feedback and support is really helping and motivating us for the good work

TroyB 10/04/2012 17:17:52   
Josh Dufresne 3

all you people are doing greaat work

Josh Dufresne 20/11/2012 15:02:07   
Josh Dufresne 3

and thats 1 big boy

Josh Dufresne 20/11/2012 15:02:30   
Ouroboros 28

Really why has no one commented about the star on the chest of that guy.
Is it a mark for artificial created human beings, a selective breeding program or a family clan symbol?

Ouroboros 28/12/2012 02:18:35   
Eddie Nash 6

Why are his biceps where his elbow should be?

Eddie Nash 09/07/2014 03:49:44   
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Amilova: couverture




Auteur : , ,

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : tze

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Dimanche

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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