Vamos, chicas! This is going too slow, I think it's enough for a single topic.
Yeah, let's keep going.
Twins, I know you're not fans of this kind of stuff but this is important for Vixen!
We must do this.
I know, Chiqui, I know.
I'm not saying we should do random things but we should take it more relaxed, it's a big event but a wonderful one for all of us to enjoy.
Specially for Vix, aren't you excited?
Why don't we talk about the dress already? You will look gorgeous.
Aaahh, you will be like the queen of the party, eh Vix?
Eh... Heheheh, yes...
I bet you're eager for that day to come cierto?
... Yeah, yeah, it sounds great, but let's keep going, things in order, you know? Where do we left, Chiqui? Point number 8...?
Ah, c'mon!