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Blog de neostar8710

want to see monday's sidestory? vote here! http://t.co/9G6MbZF2bS


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De Spoon - Source


end of chapter 11! http://t.co/3Uhf6ST6Q3

De Spoon - Source


late night thoughts and ramblings: http://t.co/Wilk3HQROI

late night ramblings

helloooooooo!  it is currently 1:21am here (nyc time) and i am currently up drawing and thinking about stuff. chapter 11 will be done this week (sidestory next week) and then a week break until cha...

De Spoon - Source


is going to attempt reading GAME OF THRONES..wish me luck.

De Spoon - Source


vote to see tomorrows page! http://t.co/9G6MbZF2bS


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De Spoon - Source


new page! http://t.co/8x1omEp1BS

De Spoon - Source


vote to see tomorrows page! http://t.co/9G6MbZF2bS


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De Spoon - Source


another page! http://t.co/I1gkzh1XO0

De Spoon - Source


finally finished game of thrones season 2..shieeeeeeet..now onto hxh!

De Spoon - Source


dont forget to vote for tomorrows page! http://t.co/9G6MbZF2bS


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De Spoon - Source

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