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Blog de neostar8710

don't forget to vote to see the next full page! :) http://t.co/7pAhke8U


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De Spoon - Source


new page..expect a blog later: http://t.co/Gpv639pa

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De Spoon - Source


see the next full page by voting here! http://t.co/7pAhke8U


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New page http://t.co/awOSuUKO

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De Spoon - Source


the site is going through a bit of a change..but nonetheless..new page! http://t.co/PSmepQBS

Page 8

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De Spoon - Source


drawing goal of this month: relearn drawing faces

De Spoon - Source


building confidence is like working out..tear down the muscle and make it stronger..which is what i intend to do with my art.

De Spoon - Source



sequential salon

hey everyone, today  i went to something called sequential salon, basically a group of artists critiquing each other. thanks to burrell gill Jr, i was invited. this past week has been an eye opening experience for spoon, once again.  usually in the past, after having my ego bruised, i would have sto…

De Spoon - Source


got approved to put SPOON up on crunchyroll..YESSS!

De Spoon - Source


can't wait for mondays page?..no worries..here: http://t.co/7pAhke8U


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De Spoon - Source

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