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Présentation de misscube

Bon ben voilà, je suis infographiste 3D et dessinatrice à mes heures perdues. Fan de manga, cinéma, musée et tutti quanti!!

Langues parlées:
Français  English 

7 Abonnements

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3 Abonnés


Commentaires: 56
Posts forum: 92
Level: 5, Prochain niveau dans 1 xp
Niveau: noob
Experience: 249
Points de traducteur: 0



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Blog de misscube

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A woman portrait

It's a portrait based on a photo of Gillian Anderson.

I'm not used to draw realistic portrait in digital.

I test different ways to render the artwork less flat than other digital artworks.


De http://miss-cube.deviantart.com - Source


My sister

it's my little sister. Done with Photoshop. 30 minutes approximatively!


De http://miss-cube.deviantart.com - Source


Wonder Woman

It's the forst that I draw a super hero like Winder Woman. I hope that you like the way that i draw princess Diana!!


De http://miss-cube.deviantart.com - Source


Miss Cube and Momo

It's another drawing about Miss Cube. She is with her cat Momo. Momo cat change into a spirit when her mistress is in danger. It's her battle mode.

(NB : Momo is a female cat)

Moma has electric power (she uses the electricity of my computer)

if you want to know more about Miss cube go to this artwork : [link] there is a description about her!

You can go to Miss cube blog : [link]


De http://miss-cube.deviantart.com - Source


Miss Cube story strip 1

Seulement pour les frenchies. Il s'agit d'un extrait de mon premier strip sur Miss Cube. Il est disponible à cette adresse dans sa version complète:


n'hésitez pas à laisser des commentaires là bas!! ils sont les bienvenus!!


De http://miss-cube.deviantart.com - Source


Misscube and her cat

Ok, so it's Miss Cube again and it's her cat Mona. in real life my family has a cat (Mona). it's a 14 years old female cat and I love her very much.

Miss cube is a charater created for a fanzine. Why Misscube?
Because i'm a 3d artist in real life and my name is a synoyn of Cube. That's why...

She has 4 years old and she has power. She can come in real life at night when I'm sleeping and when my computer is on. She can change her body as she want to wear cyber body, bjd body, normal body etc....

If you want to see the Miss cube blog : it's here: [link]



De http://miss-cube.deviantart.com - Source


Full metal Alchemist

C'est une demande de :iconhrem:


De http://miss-cube.deviantart.com - Source


New url, new art blog!!

De http://miss-cube.deviantart.com - Source


Sailor Cube

Je continue le cosplay de mon avatar Miss cube.
C'est basé sur le manga Sailor Moon.

c'est Sailor Cube. Elle protège la planète Cube. Ses armes : un netbook et un stylet. Elle peut transformer n'importe quel ennemi en ce qu'elle veut ou l'effacer quand elle retourne son stylet.


I continue my avatar cosplay.
It's based on the manga sailor Moon.

It's Sailor cube who protect the Cube Planet. Her weapon : a stylet and a netbook. She can transform every enemies or erase it.


De http://miss-cube.deviantart.com - Source


Digital painter Misscube

It's my avatar Misscube. it's the first time that you can see her without her gloves.

Misscube is my digital twin. Miss cube because I'm a 3d artist and my family name is Box. She has super power. When she draw a thing, it become real. It's a common power but it's a really cool power. she puts color on everybbody life as i hope do in real life.

She wears steampunk clothes because it's a style I like.

It's my firt attempt with Paint Tool Sai. it's a very great soft. I enjoy with it.


De http://miss-cube.deviantart.com - Source

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