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Amanda and Benjamin 4 Chapter II

Chapter II: First place

* Our trio entered in the first place, the scene happens during the concert Brütal Land, after the death of Benjamin and Amanda *

Ly: Huh?
Amanda (smiling): Well, well, well!

* A demon come away with the ground on his head: Xyl! *

Ly: HEIN?! Anything, but ...

/ / Rammstein: Kuss Mich / /

Xyl: Demon! Degomme me these ignorant!

* The Rabbids coming soon! *

Xyl: Damn! The v'la them! (It disappears)
Rayman: Things are heating up!
Ly: Now, let those pesky rabbits!
Rabbits: BWAAH!

* Ly shoots fireballs in rabbits *

Ly: yaah!
Amanda: A coop 'Ly?
Ly: Yes!

* Amanda Ly and uses the coop "Ragemagie" thanks to the magic of Ly, Amanda can turn his key in the key of fire, ice or key, etc ... *

Amanda: Great!
Ly: (pulls Blaze X) HOP!

* The demon léve *


* It begins to destroy the concert *

Amanda: Quick!

* The trio dark demon attack *

Ly: Rafale! (Ly launches a shield to Amanda, and she Rayman same)
Amanda: Incredible commme shield.
Ly: Nothing!

* The demon hordes launched flames everywhere! *

Ly: Ice! (Tire ice on the demon)
Amanda: Watch out stp Ly.
Ly: I know! (She suddenly felt a pain in his hand) OUCH! But!? ....
Amanda: What? What is it?
Ly: My hand! It hurts!
Amanda: Why?
Ly: I know!

* Daemon create an explosion near Ly, heuresment she had a shield! *

Ly: HAAA! I can not attack! ! !
Rayman and Amanda :: /

* The demon turn and attack Amanda *

Amanda: HELP!

* Ly tries a spell but nothing and done! *

* The Devil launches meteors of fire on Amanda *

Amanda: Ahhhh!
Ly: GO! ! (She was able to cast a spell on the ice meteors)!
Amanda: Go ... Ly.
Ly: (tightens the collar Ben ') Ben' .. help - me ... (It becomes Light Ly and begins to shoot balls of light)
Amanda: You want to help?
Ly Light: Yes!
Amanda: Taco tac! ; D

* Light and Amanda Ly darken the Devil while shooting balls of light *

Light Ly yaah!
Amanda: Ah!
Light Ly: Hey Amanda! (Ly Light transforms the key Amanda Key Light, allowing it to multiply the damage by 5)
Amanda: Thank you my friend!
Light Ly De rien ^ ^! Go Amanda, beat it!
Amanda: Okay.

* The Devil uses his fist flaming *

Amanda (attacking the demon): YHIA!

* Daemon load his fireballs *

Amanda (dodging fireballs and continues to attack the demon): TIENS!

* The Devil concentrates a huge fireball *

Light Ly careful, Amanda! It focuses nuclear energy!
Amanda: Oh my god! * Dodge ball *
Light Ly: Do not you touch the ball! Otherwise it's instant death!
Amanda: I know, thank you ...

* The Devil spits meteors *

Amanda Ly, beware!
Light Ly HAAA! (Dodge a meteor) Phew! Thank you Amanda!
Amanda: You're welcome.

* The Demon grabs Amanda and tries to make him lose his life in the burning *

Light Ly: AMANDA!
Amanda: Using LY!

* Light Ly fly, when suddenly she feels a Override, she has a great sword of ice for only a short delay *

Light Ly Relache - the! (Give the sword to the hand of the Devil)
Amanda Quick ...
Light Ly: It is finished! (She rushes, breaking the hand of the devil and freeing Amanda)

* The Override and finished Ly lose its power to light it falls Luckily she catches his fall, but grows tired *

Ly: the Hoo ....
Amanda: It's going Ly?
Ly: Not too ... (Falls asleep)
Amanda: ... Mhhhh rest.

* The Demon prepares a meteor fire *

Amanda M ****!
... : Touch his head!
Amanda: I'm sorry?

* The Devil prepares meteors of fire *

Amanda: But what ...

* The Devil launches meteor loan Amanda and Rayman *

* Dodge * Rayman and Amanda

* The Devil spits flames *

Amanda (Attack the demon)

* The daemon sends the columns of flames in his last strength *

Amanda: Ahhhh!

* Wakes up * Ly

Ly: * yawn *
Amanda Ly, help us please!
Ly: Ok! (Rises) (Tire ice on the head of the Devil)
Amanda (gives a kick to the demon): Yah!

* Collapses * daemon

Amanda: Yeah!
Ly: this is it! we had to!
Rayman: Yes.
... : * Claps * You are the kings of the rumble!
Amanda: Who are u?
... : One of the masters of Castle Oblivion!
Ly: But your black coat would think a member of the Organization-Nek!
... : Won!
Amanda: Yeah, yeah, yeah ...
Ly: Well let's see ...
... : OK, cod! Listen to me! You defeated one of the memories of your friends, cool, though! Who told you that this victory will not be a trauma to your friends?
Amanda: Dunno.
... : Think about it! (It disappears)
Amanda: Mhhhh ...
Ly: What happens it Amanda?
Amanda: I do not understand.
Ly: Me neither ...
Amanda (his tear runs and starts crying in hand Rayman)
Rayman (Amanda console)
Ly: Amanda ... (Console too)
Amanda (crying): It c ****** betrayed us!
Ly: Who? That? What?
Ly: Haaa ....
Amanda: ...
Ly: Come on Amanda, go into the next location.
Amanda (dry tears): Sniff, okay.
Ly Go.
Amanda: No problems.

* Our trio out of place, and finds himself in a white corridors of the mansion *

... Good! Here we are!
Amanda: Mhhhh ...
... : You spend the first memory of your friends very well, continue to move forward, you do very good work ...
Amanda: Really?

* Another member appears, too, hooded *

... : Hey! Someone threw here!
... What? Who?
... : This is Xamnayr!
... : WHAT!

* Xamnayr arrives at this moment *

Xamnayr: Yes, so what! I do what I want to me!
Rayman: You again!
Xamnayr: Two seconds zucchini because I!
... : Xamnayr! You're gonna pay for us to swing trio!
Xamnayr: What did I say?
... : ... I do not know, but you throw us!
Xamnayr: Really?
... Enough is enough! Since you feel attacked, why not try to eliminate the trio Xambre?
Rayman: Who is Xambre?
Xambre: (removes his hood) Me!
Ly AAARRGH! The clone Amber!
Amanda: Oh my god!
Rayman: Damn!
Xambre: (pulls out a glossy chakrams)
Ly: Hoho!
Amanda: ATTACK!

/ / Rammstein - Rosenrot / /

Xambre (Lance chakrams on these Ly) yaah!
Ly: AAAHHH! It's freezing!
Amanda: Lache p'tite it bitch! (Give a kick out Xambre)
Xambre: OUCH! (Rewind and sends spikes of ice Amanda) Take that!
Amanda: Ouch!
Ly: Blaze! (On Xambre)
Xambre: Ouch!
Amanda: A coop 'Ly?
Ly: Okay ^ ^

* Ly turns the key in the key of fire Amanda *

Amanda: It go?
Ly: Yes!
Amanda: OKAY!

* Our two friends ran down Xambre the coup ignited ru *

Amanda: YHIA!
Ly Niyah! (Tire fireballs)
Amanda: AH!
Xambre: (a land) HAARRGH!
Amanda: * gives a kick on Xambre *
Amanda: Take this!

* Amanda kicks on Xambre inflamed, it flops to the ground and disappears *

Amanda: YEAH!
Ly: Good job, Amanda!
Amanda: Thanks!
Ly: Good continue.
Rayman Amanda: Ok!

* Our trio entered the following locations *

End of Chapter I


De http://2raymanm64.deviantart.com - Source


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Je déterre ce compte vieux de 10 ans (presque) POUAAAH LA LA LA ! Cette capsule temporelle ! Bon, quoi dire après 10 ans ? Énormément de choses, si ça intéresse du monde, je vous raconte tout !


On m'avais dit que mon personnage ne pouvait pas plier les jambes X) Voyez par vous-mêmes ..


Je suis assez d'accord. Faudra trouner un de ses pieds pour le rendre normal x)

je suis d'acc aussi ^^ mais bon, sinon c'est cool =D

Oui , j'ai encore quelques souci avec les pieds X) Merci pour les commentaires :D

tkt, les pieds et les mains, c'est ce qu'il y a de plus dur (fin, pour moi XD ) ça viendra ^^

Petite fanart pas très classe de Yan (Wisteria) :3


Franchement (malgré l'absence de Brigitte u_u), je le trouve très cool !

Voilà le règne de Brigitte est rétabli °-° (désolé encore >.<) : http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/565023Yan.png

Sinon merci ^w^

Howw, je crois bien que je l'ai jamais trouvé aussi attirant '-' (c'est fou comme une mèche peut le changer XD )

Ah ah merci ^^ perso je craque plus sur l'original x) (oui cette mèche as un de ces pouvoirs o_o)

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