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Présentation de didizuka

ヂヂズカ - ぢぢずか

✿✿Bandes dessinées, illustrations, animations✿✿

Passionnée par l'art narratif qu'est la BD, je vous propose mes travaux... n'hésitez pas à laisser votre avis (positif ou négatif).
Vive le café !!

Langues parlées:
Français  English 

9 Abonnements

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22 Abonnés

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Commentaires: 606
Posts forum: 145
Level: 19, Prochain niveau dans 74 xp
Niveau: adventurer
Experience: 1626
Points de traducteur: 0



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Blog de didizuka


ProjectEducate: Copyright & 1st Publication Ri

Copyrighting and First Publication Rights As a part of :devprojecteducate:, the literature gallery moderators will be posting a series of news articles about the literature community and gallery he...

De Didizuka - Source



Tutorial Writing Tips

Learn how to give your tutorials that little bit extra with these tips! Why not make your tutorial the best it can be? Written by `miontre for #projecteducate and #FeedbackFrenzy.

De Didizuka - Source



Educate Yourself: Creative Commons Licensing!

If you would like to see more, I will be adding my Educate Yourself journal entries here.

De Didizuka - Source



Things you should do on DeviantArt

A big hug to all my sweet friends:hug: :iconredheart-plz::iconorangeheart-plz: :iconyellowheartplz::icongreenheartplz::iconvioletheartplz:  :iconblueheartplz: This journal is for every Deviant...

De Didizuka - Source



Keywords Tutorial

Not sure if this is a massive help - but some people are getting stuck with their keywords. ---- Stock used:- =pendlestock and *shelldevil ---- Feed back appreciated. EDIT:- On the last example wit...

De Didizuka - Source



PE - S&R Keywords and your Stock

Keywords... what are they... how do they work, and why are they important? What are they... Keywords are descriptive words added to the information on your submitted deviation. How do they work.......

De Didizuka - Source


Ma bd en ligne, cut off, c'est trois chapitres complet et le quatrième en cours : http://www.amilova.com/fr/BD-manga/945/cut-off.html #bd #webcomic #amilova #free

Cut Off - manga - Romance

Résumé : Chloé est une figurante de films de série B.Dans le film où elle sert de macchabée, elle... Plus de 492 comics / bds / mangas sur Amilova.com.

De Didizuka - Source



on commence le quatrième chapitre ! http://www.amilova.com/fr/BD-manga/9398/cut-off/chapitre-4/page-1.html

Cut Off - Romance (Ch.4-P.1)

Manga en lecture gratuite. Plus de 491 comics / bds / mangas sur Amilova.com.

De Didizuka - Source

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