Alright, commission done! Now some Kerbal Space Program, I have an orbital station to finish!
De @JassBefrold - Source
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Alright, commission done! Now some Kerbal Space Program, I have an orbital station to finish!
De @JassBefrold - Source
@Lionalliance0 HAHAH I love this mode! Especially when you reach the C4 kill, just a lot of LOL
De @JassBefrold - Source
People do not realize they reward mediocrity rather than skills. And they realy hope for a better world? They better clean themself first.
De @JassBefrold - Source
Annnnnd it's gone. I will never see my 24 years old again... . Oh, Hi mister 25, let's share one year together. *sigh*
De @JassBefrold - Source
40 minutes left with my 24 years old. Fuck guys...don't leave me! D:
De @JassBefrold - Source
Many scientifics say bra do not prevent from sagging breasts, some say it's could make things worse. ( °3°)
De @JassBefrold - Source
Alright today is a bad day, I'M DEAD, finish, capout, stronzo, fawa, pété, cassé, break! Can't work or do anything good right now. Gnight!
De @JassBefrold - Source
Oh yeah!!!!! Stiff neck! Just as I wanted it!! Right during commissions work! Thank for everything!! $^$$$&é^&éù"&$é^"!!!
De @JassBefrold - Source