@octamous It never late for this if you realy want to :]
De @JassBefrold - Source
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@octamous It never late for this if you realy want to :]
De @JassBefrold - Source
@Lionalliance0 This is my POWER! I told you I would give you some of my cold here. There is just some latence ( °°)
De @JassBefrold - Source
Chapitre: 3
page: 17
Chapitre: 3
page: 18
Chapitre: 3
page: 1
Now time to sleep.
De @JassBefrold - Source
Hey everybody! It's TRULLY OUTRAGEOUS!! TRULLY TRULLY OUTRAGEOUS!!! https://t.co/XmceCfN3 A new character will come from this soon =D
De @JassBefrold - Source
RT @DYW14: Art Trade with jassbefrold. His Art Trade: http://t.co/RufCf7ZM
Dje… http://t.co/gnTJmmbp
De @JassBefrold - Source
"Django" The new Tarantino is a real BOMB. Full of cultural references, originality, charismatic characters, blood, vengeance. Just perfect!
De @JassBefrold - Source
I just can't drawn D: !!!!!!!!
De @JassBefrold - Source
Gosh...i'm so freaking empty ....
De @JassBefrold - Source