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@octamous Right! That a good idea! I should think about it! I hope there is people that would like to see my idea come to the end. Thank!
De @JassBefrold - Source
Okay...this is serious buisness now. I have to choose If I give all myself into my comic or if I have too found a god dam job ...
De @JassBefrold - Source
@DYW14 Okay! I'm here, add me on skype, I suppose normally I did: m4cm1llan
De @JassBefrold - Source
@Lionalliance0 Sexyyyyyy!
De @JassBefrold - Source
@Drobvirks Congratz! Beautiful review!
De @JassBefrold - Source
@DYW14 by the way tell me when you want to talk about it :]
De @JassBefrold - Source
@DYW14 Hell yeah, WANT!!
De @JassBefrold - Source
@anokorok Similarly, any material conditional with a true consequent is true. So the statement, If pigs fly, then Paris is in France is true
De @JassBefrold - Source
De @JassBefrold - Source