Okay guys! So this is my weight gain from Saturday morning to Wednesday morning due to zero exercise and a diet of sugar and fatty foods! Up to Saturday I was eating mainly fruit, vegetables and whole grains and 3-4k of running and 30 mins of blogilates daily. I had my school ball Saturday so after that I are everything insight as I was deprived for a couple of weeks to look good in my ball dress! (Still being healthy ofc!).
I’m posting this to show how a poor diet effects your body and how it makes you feel! While I’ve been eating unhealthily I’ve experienced tiredness, hardly been sleeping, no energy and I’ve found it hard to concentrate! Also trying to show how much better you look and feel when your healthy and looking after your body. I’ve gained 2.7kg’s haha.. I hope this inspires some of you to stay or get clean and if your planning on having a treat make sure your not treating the whole day if your nervous of your self control because I’m finding it really hard to get back on track. Anyway love you all and good luck xxxx
De takegreat - Source 27mai2013