(non)stupid things of the week
the stupids
- cried because one of my best friends has moved away and i realized i won’tbe able to see her apart from on breaks
- yelled the wrong name at my coworker
- accidentally stole someone’s handbag. fuck
- announced to entire room i accidentally stole someone’s handbag
non stupid things of week or today tho
- got money and bought a new shirt and a phone accessory :~)
- ate lots of cinnamon mini donuts with my boyfriend. you have no idea how happy i was Bro
- watched lots of game of thrones and went to the beach and market with said bf and had best possible weekend one can hav knowing they start university the next day
i like having a best friend that you’re in love with thats just such a fuckign cool bonus!!!
De cute-aholic - Source 23févr.2014