Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.
Lao Tzu (via ambitionperfection)
De cute-aholic - Source 4févr.2014
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Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.
Lao Tzu (via ambitionperfection)
De cute-aholic - Source
dang it’s near impossible finding realistic and subtle bedroom pics on pinterest it’s all so ott
De cute-aholic - Source
i can’t get into the maple syrup this is horrible somebody didn’t clean it off right and now the lid is glued to the botTLE IM GONNA START A RIOT
i feel like this is one of those beautiful moments where someones url truly fits their post
De cute-aholic - Source
i haven’t seen my boyfriend for over two weeks bc he’s been away so AAAH you have no idea just how excited i am to see him in four days
(●´∀`●) ♥♥♥♥ !!!