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a bisexual pop group called Both Directions
a pansexual pop group called All Directions
an asexual pop group called No Directions
a questioning pop group called Which Direction
a helpful pop group called That Direction
a lost pop group called Can I Have Directions
a married pop group called Dammit Why Won’t You Just Ask For Directions
The wind blows, the flowers float away. It's simply how things are.
these are perf!
definitely one of my favorites.
Smh. Can I has a baby now?
Being skeptical that another person can be incapacitated by a mental illness because you cope just fine with your problems is basically the same as saying “I don’t understand why other people’s brakes fail, because my car works great.”
I reblog this every time.
De cute-aholic - Source
”Don’t feel pressured to look a specific way. Tall, thin, curvy, because whatever way you are, YOU are beautiful.”
De cute-aholic - Source
My basic three principals of health. : ) I like that last once to include the majority of things from social relationships, hobbys, spiritual health, ect.
Those are my same three ^.^