De cute-aholic - Source
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De cute-aholic - Source
De cute-aholic - Source
Before and during.
I cannot freaking BELIEVE what a difference I’ve made. I’m honestly in shock. I started my new healthy lifestyle at the end of January 2013, and had a few rough patches, but LOOK how far I’ve come, even with those! I knew I looked thinner, but I did not realize how much. I wish I had more pictures from before, but of course I never liked taking them of my body…I am a new level of proud of myself. Like…that BELLY! It’s gone.
22 years old, 5’10
Before: October 2012, 250(+?) pounds
During: April 2013, 230 pounds
Reblog if you think no one has a crush on you.
De takegreat - Source
Got a mini resistance band today! Gunna do some shoulders and arms. It’s sad how excited I am.