I see monks quite often around here, and for some reason I am always delighted when they are carrying backpacks. It’s just a cute mix of traditional and modern :D SO! I decided that for one of Ji’s birthday presents that I will draw Shichi as a modern day monk with a backpack — at Akabane Station. I see monks there (and the occasional sumo wrestler) Heh!
Happy Birthday, Ji!
This was supposed to be a surprise, but as with all the surprises I have ever planned to give her, it was ruined because I suck at keeping my surprises secret. I showed this to Ji a few days ago in lineart form because I wanted to make sure the way I drew Shichi wasn’t stupid. (I suck so bad at drawing animals)
BUT HEY, I congratulate myself for at least keeping quiet about it last week, especially during one of our smoke breaks where Ji was like, “So what are you working on? What’s in the picture?” And was like “Oh… just a… commission. Just… people… on an escalator…” all cool and all. Yay me. I tried. Someday I will do a surprise for real.
Aaahhhh wow this is so great, the coloring is amazing! You drew him so adorably and I’m dying at his purple backpack hahahaha. I love the lighting, too! OMG THANK YOU YAPI ;_; <3
De jisuk - Source 13juin2013