I never used to talk to such a variety of people and I never thought about the pain and obstacles of others, only my own.
De @jisuk - Source
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I never used to talk to such a variety of people and I never thought about the pain and obstacles of others, only my own.
De @jisuk - Source
They're so wonderful and different and I just want to do everything I possibly can to help them reach their goals and make them happy.
De @jisuk - Source
I love talking to them and hearing about their lives, struggles, goals, and ticks. I seriously just. Love these people.
De @jisuk - Source
I saw an opening for a salaried office postion in my company but I realized I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE MY CLIENTS.
De @jisuk - Source
Aahhhhhh this feeling is so rare and so good. Ahhh haha fuck.
De @jisuk - Source
De @jisuk - Source
...guys. GUYS. I love my job.
De @jisuk - Source
sorry im done
De @jisuk - Source
A Korean singer did a bleach ending theme they are perfectly capable of pronouncing Japanese and probably better than you oh my god
De @jisuk - Source
*flies off into the fucking distance right into the fucking sun*
De @jisuk - Source