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Camp Zone - Lircen Miur

:iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone: :iconcamp-zone:
There is one of the Camp Leader, Lircen Miur !
He manage the Glafiah Area, in the South of the land.

Name : Lircen Miur
Age : 24 years old
Gender : Male
Weight : 47 kg
Height : 6'
Rank : Leader
Area : Glafiah Area

Items : Snow balls - Furring - Leader Badge
Weapon : Bow & Arrows

Personnality : Cold - Calm - Shy
History : He was born in the Glafiah Area, the snowy one. He was going to die, because he was too much cold, but he survived. This is why he has a blue skin.

Likes :
- Cold
- Furring
- Tea
- Hot Water Source
- Poncho
Dislikes :
- Hot things
- Be Ignored

Extra Facts : None

Icon : :iconjircen-miurplz:


De http://thaniaekmalice.deviantart.com - Source


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