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10 コメント
ImagineTheEnding 5

Attention Amilova people. I wanted to link you guys to the forum, but since I can't for some reason, I am copy pasting it here. kind of a long message:

At the end of this month I will be starting the Kickstarter for VACANT. At the back of the book I am writing a "How I Did It" section where I explain how I did aspects of the comic. What I am hoping for is that I can answer a few from the readers here on Amilova.
So do you have any questions about the process of the comic or about the comic in general? While reading it, was there something you really wanted to ask? You can ask as many as you want but not all will probably be printed. Mainly because I only have so many pages for this.

Questions already answered:
"How do you color?"
"Why is it called VACANT?"
"How do you design the characters?"
"Do you draw digitally or traditionally?"
"How do you thumbnail?"
"What format do you use for your scripts?"

Also, is there a character you would like me to explain how I thought the design of?

I would also like to get the french readers involved, but there's such a language barrier that I am not sure how to get around it. I also have no idea how many french readers would be interested in having a translated version. It would cost me extra money to print it.

ImagineTheEnding 06/14/2013 18:08:44   
gobes 19

I've just translated your message. I'll translate the questions and the answers

Anyway, for those who don't read the french comments but still want a french version, know I'll translate all the next chapters, and retranslate all the comic from the beginning to get something more consistent and professionnal-looking

gobes 06/14/2013 22:22:37   
gobes 19

Why this design for Hayze (especially the feet)?

gobes 06/14/2013 22:26:01   
ImagineTheEnding 5

Thanks! I'll answer that question in the book.

ImagineTheEnding 06/15/2013 06:07:59   

so you answered all these questions on kickstarter

ADT 06/16/2013 05:59:40   

if so i am just going on to see the page on kickstarter

ADT 06/16/2013 06:00:46   

i wanted to pledge in on kickstarter but it's already a success

ADT 06/16/2013 06:05:21   
gobes 19

Mmm... yeah, but no. The kickstarter already existing for Vacant is an old one to publish the first three chapters, and it was successfull in one month.
I'll let the author answer, but it will be either a re-edition of the first chapters, or a complete colume with several chapters. We'll see

gobes 06/16/2013 11:42:30   


ADT 06/16/2013 15:37:13   
ImagineTheEnding 5

I replied to this and then my comment just kind of vanished. Maybe it will pop back up.

The Kickstarter you saw was an old one like Gobes said. The new Kickstarter will be for the graphic novel. Your question will be answered at the back of the printed book in a section I am calling "How I did it".

ImagineTheEnding 06/17/2013 04:33:17   
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VACANT: cover




著者 :

チーム : , , ,

Original Language: English

公開のペース: 火曜日

タイプ : 漫画

ジャンル : ファンタジー - SF


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