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2 コメント
Taresh 2

**This isn't the only anniversary pic your'e getting. i've got another in the works that is taking a while, and also another piece from a very special guest artist!**

Well it's been three years of Ryak-Lo. and upon looking back at some of the really old designs of the chars i decided to put them along side new pics of the chars. (pics ill probably use along side everyone's bio's when i get around to them)

as you can see some are still quite similar, some have changed quite drastically. By the time i'd done the old designs seen here R-L was already on it's 3rd rewrite and these designs were very nearly what i went with, and then right before i started the comic, i upped and altered them again lol.

for a bigger version check

Taresh 04/05/2013 17:44:48   
TDBanimefan 5

Gotta say, I love the Manga so far. It is probably one of the best on this site.

TDBanimefan 08/27/2015 05:18:04   
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