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24 コメント
Esteryn 33

Such a beautiful cover ! Love the texture of the lines, the title, the colours and layout !

Esteryn 09/11/2011 11:35:06   
TroyB 41

Esteryn のコメント:Such a beautiful cover ! Love the texture of the lines, the title, the colours and layout !

Eskhar is an artist with an amazing potential, I hope her work will be appreciated by the wordlwide community !

TroyB 09/11/2011 19:06:49   
Eskhar 31

Oh thank you very much !! I hope you will like the story plot !

Eskhar 09/24/2011 20:53:17   
Esteryn 33

Eskhar のコメント:Oh thank you very much !! I hope you will like the story plot ! you're welcome i like the way you seem to want to treat the story plot, very philosophical and psychologic

Esteryn 09/25/2011 16:10:48   
Eskhar 31

Yes, that's what I would like to do (well, that's what I'll TRY to do... )

Eskhar 09/25/2011 19:28:34   
Esteryn 33

I'm sure you'll succeed

Esteryn 09/27/2011 16:00:20   
Infinitus 1

Esteryn のコメント:Such a beautiful cover ! Love the texture of the lines, the title, the colours and layout !
I truly agree! I really like Eskhar's work, it is truly amazing!

Infinitus 07/02/2012 00:09:06   
Eskhar 31

Thank you very much ! >w <
I'm late with the english version (there is at least 10 more pages) but I will update it soon ^^

Eskhar 07/02/2012 11:02:24   
Drawly 11

You're drawings and story are amazing, I will defiantly follow your work ^^

Drawly 10/04/2011 11:33:05   
Eskhar 31

Thank you very much ! X3

Eskhar 10/05/2011 12:29:32   
BK-81 4

I love this comic, so I translated it on the spot! Good job on it!

BK-81 10/26/2011 13:44:58   
Eskhar 31

Wow, thank you so much !!!

Eskhar 10/27/2011 18:17:21   
Mart 17

Love your work. Have you heard of Tsutomu Nihei's manga, i'm shure you'll love it

Mart 11/14/2011 12:26:12   
Eskhar 31

I already know them ! Blame! was my first manga, and since then I've read every story he made ! I totally love it (he's not the only author I'm fond of, but the first, and his influence still remains in my drawings ^^')

Eskhar 11/15/2011 00:58:08   
ceco1 6

Eskhar のコメント:I already know them ! Blame! was my first manga, and since then I've read every story he made ! I totally love it (he's not the only author I'm fond of, but the first, and his influence still remains in my drawings ^^')
awesome work! And if I could, I was so going to up-vote your comment. Nihei is amazing!

ceco1 11/15/2011 08:23:43   
Eskhar 31

Lol ! I figured you were a fan of Tsutomu Nihei ! I think Blame!'s one of the only manga where a minor character like Ivy (I mean it in the way that he does not appear for a long time) gathers so much likers !

Eskhar 11/15/2011 13:12:54   
ceco1 6

Eskhar のコメント:Lol ! I figured you were a fan of Tsutomu Nihei ! I think Blame!'s one of the only manga where a minor character like Ivy (I mean it in the way that he does not appear for a long time) gathers so much likers ! XD
I think its because of the really good and original character design/personality of Nihei. Everyone of his characters is unique

ceco1 11/15/2011 13:54:07   
Mart 17

Eskhar のコメント:I already know them ! Blame! was my first manga, and since then I've read every story he made ! I totally love it (he's not the only author I'm fond of, but the first, and his influence still remains in my drawings ^^')

I had his influence still remains in my drawings too, but i'm trying to broke from to create a style of mine

Mart 11/15/2011 09:18:21   
Eskhar 31

The same here !
(a little hard on this story - because of the monsters/humans/cenobites and the SFuniverse, which makes more reference to Nihei's work)... What I will keep is the fact that manga may contain more black than white, scribbles and hatch are not the most evil thing in the world lol, and settings, surroundings are super important!)

(I would totally like to see what you do! Is your story on Amilova ? - we can't search comics with the author's name é_è )

Eskhar 11/15/2011 13:15:28   
Mart 17

Eskhar のコメント:(I would totally like to see what you do! Is your story on Amilova ? - we can't search comics with the author's name é_è )

Yes, it is. It's named Whisper.

Mart 11/15/2011 13:21:29   
Eskhar 31

OMG, yeah I remember it very well!!! More than Tsutomu Nihei, it made me think of Hellraiser (because of the Cenobites --> your sadomasochistic big guy with the chains, that's totally it ! *_* - I mean it as a compliment I love horror stuff, I'm just wainting for the story to develop a bit more, cause I don't really understand for now - which doesn't lessen the graphic qualities !)

Well, it should be time I give proper reviews to your story (but you'll know I was a silent reader )

Eskhar 11/16/2011 03:16:39   
Robot Panda 7

Congratulations on your 3rd place! I really, really liked seeing your comic in the top 3!

Robot Panda 03/16/2012 15:32:58   
Eskhar 31

Argh, I miss your comment O__o ! But really, thanks ! I was really happy too, and it's all thanks to you guys !

Eskhar 07/02/2012 11:04:51   
auni ann 1

OMG!! great cover u got there! nice >w <b

auni ann 09/12/2013 21:05:03   
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Psychomantium: cover




著者 :

チーム :

翻訳 : TroyB

Original Language: Français

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : ファンタジー - SF

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