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3 コメント
Pehesse 28

Random trivia about this page :

It must have been one of the easiest to translate :-D Also : the two sidekicks Ian always keeps around, Mahla and Barr, were not named characters, and did not have a recurrent role in the first draft of the story. But we took the habit of naming them the "malabars", a french term for "goon", and the name stuck to the pair when they became full-fledged characters.

And finally, to celebrate the 10000th member of Amilova, we'd like to introduce a new page tonight - so please make yourself heard (or seen) here if you'd like to see that really happen :-)

Pehesse 10/07/2011 10:28:46   
TroyB 41

Thanks for the explanations .

Pehesse のコメント:
It must have been one of the easiest to translate :-D

Ahahaha it's the kind of satisfying pleasure you don't expect to get as an author when you start writing stories .
For example, I surprised myself > I've been cursing my beginning of Amilova that's full of text... and liking very much the empty pages .

Pehesse のコメント:so please make yourself heard (or seen) here if you'd like to see that really happen :-)

Hey hey I'm here !!!

TroyB 10/07/2011 13:26:11   
Pehesse 28

TroyB のコメント:
Ahahaha it's the kind of satisfying pleasure you don't expect to get as an author when you start writing stories .
For example, I surprised myself > I've been cursing my beginning of Amilova that's full of text... and liking very much the empty pages .

Yeah, definitely :-D We should draw these kinds of pages a lot more often, 'makes it easier for everyone - no errors to correct, nothing to translate... here's to an upcoming era of mute comics ! We're doing cinematographic history in reverse :-D

TroyB のコメント:
Pehesse のコメント:so please make yourself heard (or seen) here if you'd like to see that really happen :-)

Hey hey I'm here !!!

Yeah ! So, it will probably happen :-)

Pehesse 10/07/2011 13:34:08   
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Imperfect: cover




チーム : , , , , ,

Original Language: Français

公開のペース: 月曜日, 金曜日

タイプ : 漫画

ジャンル : スリラー

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