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8 コメント
Esteryn 33

Love the way the shadows of the curtains show on the characters, you do love that kind of line effects ^^

Esteryn 12/10/2011 21:01:22   
Pehesse 28

Esteryn のコメント:Love the way the shadows of the curtains show on the characters, you do love that kind of line effects ^^ Yeah, a bit too much even - I've heard some complaints that it got quite repetitive after a while :-D So it'll get rarer from now on :-)

Pehesse 12/10/2011 21:15:14   
Esteryn 33

I don't mind, i see it as a kinda trademark or leitmotiv.

Esteryn 12/10/2011 21:27:29   
Pehesse 28

Esteryn のコメント:I don't mind, i see it as a kinda trademark or leitmotiv. I should have replied that to the critics... nice, I'll remember that :-D

Pehesse 12/10/2011 21:28:58   
Esteryn 33

Sorry the modify button never works with me :s i wanted to add that i thought this effect quite suited to your story, like a reminder that they are like prisoners (of the war, themselves, their fears, ths ship and so on)

Esteryn 12/10/2011 21:28:38   
Pehesse 28

Esteryn のコメント:Sorry the modify button never works with me :s i wanted to add that i thought this effect quite suited to your story, like a reminder that they are like prisoners (of the war, themselves, their fears, ths ship and so on) Yeah, exactly - but I'll admit it works better if it doesn't occur every page :-D Nice analysis you have of the whole situation, though.. can't wait to see what your interview is going to be like :-D

Pehesse 12/10/2011 21:30:28   
Esteryn 33

Pehesse のコメント:Yeah, exactly - but I'll admit it works better if it doesn't occur every page :-D Nice analysis you have of the whole situation, though.. can't wait to see what your interview is going to be like :-D I'm on it ^^ i'm writing them in the order of the agenda, so you're second, i'm on psyche right now ^^ almost finished and then i start on yours

Esteryn 12/10/2011 21:40:53   
Pehesse 28

Esteryn のコメント: Pehesse のコメント:Yeah, exactly - but I'll admit it works better if it doesn't occur every page :-D Nice analysis you have of the whole situation, though.. can't wait to see what your interview is going to be like :-D I'm on it ^^ i'm writing them in the order of the agenda, so you're second, i'm on psyche right now ^^ almost finished and then i start on yours Aight then :-D

Pehesse 12/10/2011 21:45:00   
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Ashell: cover




著者 :

Original Language: Français

公開のペース: 月曜日, 木曜日

タイプ : 漫画

ジャンル : ファンタジー - SF


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