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4 コメント
Esteryn 33

nice effective page, i love the light on the face of the character in the 3rd frame.

Esteryn 09/23/2011 15:35:31   
studio.takoyaki 32

Esteryn のコメント:nice effective page, i love the light on the face of the character in the 3rd frame.
Furo: thank you. This scene wasn't on the first version of our comic and it wasn't easy to be effective on only 5 pages.
Gald you appreciate this.

studio.takoyaki 09/23/2011 18:26:01   
Esteryn 33

Esteryn 09/25/2011 16:01:13   
TroyB 41

First 6 pages corrected/improved by me, dear native english readers, please tell me if it's understandable and correct .

TroyB 09/26/2011 15:36:36   

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Run 8のチームについて

Run 8: cover




著者 : ,

チーム : , , ,

翻訳 : tze

Original Language: Français

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : アクション

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