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6 コメント
Mart 17


Mart 10/15/2011 20:58:24   
studio.takoyaki 32

Mart のコメント:Niiice
I would like to make more illustrations like this one, but it needs lots of time.

studio.takoyaki 10/15/2011 22:24:38   
Mart 17

studio.takoyaki のコメント: Mart のコメント:Niiice
I would like to make more illustrations like this one, but it needs lots of time.

So? You going somewere? Time doesn't matter when the result is something like this.

Mart 10/16/2011 10:45:36   
studio.takoyaki 32

Mart のコメント: studio.takoyaki のコメント: Mart のコメント:Niiice
I would like to make more illustrations like this one, but it needs lots of time.

So? You going somewere? Time doesn't matter when the result is something like this.

Mimi: most of my time is for the comic.
what's more I have 3 jobs, so it's really defficult to spend one whole week jus for one illustration.I can't make both

studio.takoyaki 10/16/2011 18:35:50   
DrugOn 11

The background is outstanding

DrugOn 10/16/2011 18:03:28   
studio.takoyaki 32

DrugOn のコメント:The background is outstanding
thanks ^_^

studio.takoyaki 10/16/2011 18:39:40   
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Run 8 Artworksのチームについて

Run 8 Artworks: cover




著者 :

Original Language: Français

公開のペース: 土曜日

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : デザイン/アートワーク

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