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5 コメント
johandark 34

Well... with four pages are hard to tell something... Just by now.. .I don´t know what kind of story are trying to tell us... probably in future will be more clear ^^

johandark 10/10/2011 17:54:52   
Esteryn 33

Yeah about that ^-^' something is wrong with the english and the colour versions ... I've got to wait until i've been given expert access again to be able to update them. As for now, i could only update the french basic version.

Esteryn 10/11/2011 00:38:53   
Esteryn 33

Ok it's all been updated in all versions now (thanks to our nice admins who gave me back expert access real fast So you have plenty more pages to make up your mind ^.^ And if not enough, I've added the plot summary too.

Esteryn 10/12/2011 16:23:52   
johandark 34

Esteryn のコメント:Ok it's all been updated in all versions now (thanks to our nice admins who gave me back expert access real fast So you have plenty more pages to make up your mind ^.^ And if not enough, I've added the plot summary too.

I think that TroyB will not like your first chapter... Becaues the first chapter there is no conversation... the comic does not start until second chapter... You should do a art book apart... I think ^^

I like your idea of inverse color... Everybody can see the color version, and if you are premium you can also see the pencil... That´s nice.

johandark 10/12/2011 17:37:09   
Esteryn 33

Well it's not just artworks, it's the comics' introduction. Instead of just writing a text on a black page, I wanted something more visual, so I did an illustrated version of the text. It's supposed to set up the mood and make people wanna read on. I hope Troy won't mind it :/ I've emailed him to ask if it's ok. I hope it is, it took me ages to design and draw this introduction T.T

Thanks, I'm glad you like seeing the pencil ^.^ It's Byabya's idea actually. I was looking for a bonus for the premium since color is now available for all. Again, I'm not sure if it's all right. I hope it is :s

Esteryn 10/13/2011 15:55:06   
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著者 :

Original Language: Français

タイプ : 漫画

ジャンル : スリラー

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