Ah, Mr Adriàn Prieto! Of course, the missing piece of this puzzle, greetings.
The missing what? What are you talking about?
Don't let him fool you! He planned Alejandra's murder, I was only following his orders!
What's with this lady? How impertinent! I'm devastated by my sister's death, haw can she say that about me?
You are...? Well, I suppose you can feel a bit of regret, but Miss Celeste here is telling the truth, you see?
There's some missing detail about Miss Prieto's heritage, if she dies the only beneficiary will be you, you also can keep the diamond insurance in this case, you're the only one who can do that... and for Miss Celeste? Well, she can have the diamond and run away, you didn't kill her and with the guilty missing, everybody's happy.
It was a nice plan, it almost worked.
Well, well... I'm impressed! You solved the mystery, well done.
But that's not enough.
Of course it is, you two will face the authorities.
I'm afraid not...
Ha, why not? Are you going to run?
No, it's because, at the end...
Everybody's on my side here...
Sorry, what?
It's becoming more intense! He is so young and short this brother (and so evil in the end).
Like an homunculus of Fullmetal Alchemist. Now Umh-ba will dream of ninja.
Bellatrice 02/15/2015 21:53:57著者
Ninja...! Hm... but that sounds more like a Tinaru dream 8-)
SkillDraw 02/22/2015 05:21:08Dudeeeeeeee, nice
SuperGurl 02/19/2015 17:05:29著者
Glad you like
SkillDraw 02/22/2015 05:21:29