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8 コメント
imagineOlg 4

Durmiendo!? Jajaja

imagineOlg 03/04/2015 13:43:23   
Fernando_Biz 22

Si claro...

Fernando_Biz 03/05/2015 04:38:08   
TroyB 41

TroyB 03/11/2015 09:09:46   
Fernando_Biz 22

No se puede?

Fernando_Biz 03/11/2015 18:42:34   
TroyB 41

You already have a "erotism" warning on your comic so I guess it's fine... but it's on the limit.
Not that I personnally mind but it's a question of respecting those who don't want to see that much.
In my opinion > that is as far as erotism goes

TroyB 03/12/2015 08:10:49   
Fernando_Biz 22

Entiendo. Pero si afecta las políticas de Amilova me abstendré de publicar cosas así, mas que nada porque este spin off es bastante más elevado en términos de erotismo (casi un soft-hentai)

mis disculpas llegado al caso de causar problemas.

Fernando_Biz 03/12/2015 09:11:03   
TroyB 41

Don't worry it's cool... thanks for continuing your comic, I'm a big fan of your art

TroyB 03/12/2015 09:19:29   
Shinden 7


Shinden 04/13/2015 17:03:16   
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