Hey, foreigner! Wanna be my partner in the wheel?
Oh aren't you going with your sister?
Ah, she's going with Vix this time, right sis ?
Sì, sì, we came here for Vix and I will not leave her alone in the next attraction so go, go.
I'll be at the line the faster the better see you there!
Bueeeeno! Nice moves there, Don Juan! You have the girl, impressed with very subtle moves.
What are you talking about? She's only going with me because her sister is with her friend.
Am I hearing the right? Rina and Armando?
Hey, you too? C'mon! I don't think she's interested in me!
Wait... You're serious...? You're serious...? You're serious! How can anyone be so blind?
But it's true, we're only friends...
And that time at the mall?
Well, she joked about a date but...
Joke, yes... Let me show you, you're wrong.
But you need to be more assertive? You need to use your wearenotfriendus spell!
Wearenotfriendus spell, seriously? What kind of lame name of that one?
Hey, Pedro is not the only one able to come up with those fancy fantasy names.
My wearenotfriendus spell...