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1 コメント
Guildadventure 31

Reading this some may think i did the MG strips and inmediatly began to do a special chapter for sale. Actually it’s the opposite. I did the special chapter one year before the strips as a stand alone spin off of another comic of mine, Guild adventure, but as mg’s became more popular i started the strips. So if you like mg’s or this comic, you can buy the special chapter for a couple dolars in my store. There’s no need to do it to understand the strips, but is a funny way of watching the first look at the panda ants.

There’s a second special chapter coming in about a month.
If you like the strips, you can read the next week strip before your friends by supporting me on patreon

Guildadventure 09/26/2015 13:11:25   
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Monster girls on tourのチームについて

Monster girls on tour: cover




著者 :

Original Language: Español

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : コメディ

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