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13 コメント
Eskhar 31

Wonderful, like always ! Your characters are so beautiful !

Eskhar 10/25/2011 04:46:03   
Toh 7

Eskhar のコメント:Wonderful, like always ! Your characters are so beautiful ! Thanks!!!

Toh 10/26/2011 14:03:52   
McLeod 15

awesome ! When are you releasing your page in french ? You'll get a lot of fans !

McLeod 10/25/2011 10:44:53   
Toh 7

I don't do the translation in french so it is not up to me unfortunately. But I really appreciate the translator's work!

Toh 10/25/2011 11:58:33   
TroyB 41

Toh のコメント:I don't do the translation in french so it is not up to me unfortunately. But I really appreciate the translator's work!

Upload the "for translation" version and I'll make sure you have a french translation. I'll probably do it myself .

TroyB 10/25/2011 12:01:03   
Toh 7

TroyB のコメント:Upload the "for translation" version and I'll make sure you have a french translation. I'll probably do it myself .
You're an awesome man Troy!!!

Toh 10/25/2011 12:09:24   
TroyB 41

Toh のコメント: TroyB のコメント:Upload the "for translation" version and I'll make sure you have a french translation. I'll probably do it myself .
You're an awesome man Troy!!!:smoking:

Glad you finally noticed :gentleman-pipe: :shades-head: :pimp: :santa:

TroyB 10/25/2011 13:18:53   
Toh 7

TroyB のコメント:
Glad you finally noticed

Better late than never

Toh 10/25/2011 14:24:56   
TroyB 41

Toh のコメント: TroyB のコメント:
Glad you finally noticed :gentleman-pipe: :shades-head: :pimp: :santa:

Better late than never :gentleman: :chinese: :hobo:

Cool at last the "for translation" !!!
I'll work on it tomorrow .
And I'll talk with Fikiri and Tze for more cool languages .

TroyB 10/25/2011 23:50:07   
Keruo Nasumishi 1

Oh, awesome manga bender, show us more of your awesomeness!

Keruo Nasumishi 10/25/2011 21:50:34   
Elentari 1

Wohooooo that's my fave page up to the moment! :3

Elentari 10/26/2011 09:31:11   
CrashBoomBang 11

love those warriors helmets

CrashBoomBang 10/31/2011 19:25:19   
Toh 7

CrashBoomBang のコメント:love those warriors helmets thank you ^^

Toh 10/31/2011 20:13:26   
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Dragon Screamのチームについて

Dragon Scream: cover




著者 :

チーム : , , ,

Original Language: English

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : ファンタジー - SF

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