He retreats!
What's the explanation for that are you a
Not entirely, I can only
maintain this form for a while.
You see, I'm in the literal sense an incomplete salamander.
After my father become widowed, he had sex with a traveling salamander who wanted a child.
But when the child was born, she was a humain!
That's something unheard of, and she abandoned me with my father.
Who knows, I may have a salamander sister out
There, but...
I don't care.
I don't care if I have to get you all by myself.
Surprise, surprise! Now is the moment that i come back to laught to those who critiziced that K’sara and Urdin look too similar in design
. Guild adventure may look like a simple shonen on the outside, but everything is thought to the detail.
Guildadventure 07/26/2016 11:55:50