uncle and aunt? So there married now?
It is only a cover Theo wants to avoid people questioning about his new roommates. Hence, relatives living with him seems a credible option
Well i don't think the cover works that well, his aunt has his hair while his uncle has his eyes. so who of them is the blood ralitive? as both coming at the same time is a big strech.
Yes, you're right... You point out a weakness in my story xD I have changed the second bullet to correct it. I think it is now more plausible. Thank you for the remark !
and now it isn't THAT weird for trying to peek at his aunt he planed ahead
著者 : Sorane
翻訳 : Sorane
Original Language: Français
タイプ : 和風漫画
ジャンル : ファンタジー - SF
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ファンタジー - SF
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uncle and aunt? So there married now?
Ouroboros 02/09/2018 21:26:41著者
It is only a cover
Sorane 02/18/2018 11:19:13Theo wants to avoid people questioning about his new roommates. Hence, relatives living with him seems a credible option
Well i don't think the cover works that well, his aunt has his hair while his uncle has his eyes.
Ouroboros 02/18/2018 11:43:33so who of them is the blood ralitive? as both coming at the same time is a big strech.
Yes, you're right... You point out a weakness in my story xD
Sorane 02/18/2018 12:59:14I have changed the second bullet to correct it. I think it is now more plausible.
Thank you for the remark !
and now it isn't THAT weird for trying to peek at his aunt
Ouroboros 02/18/2018 13:15:36he planed ahead