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12 コメント
babee 15

So many food... lol

babee 11/13/2011 02:05:11   
Ruleslemanga 29

babee のコメント:So many food... lol

lol I love to draw food but after that makes me hungry ... .__. lol

Thanks to read Sasori, babee !

Ruleslemanga 11/13/2011 02:12:36   
babee 15

Ruleslemanga のコメント: babee のコメント:So many food... lol

lol I love to draw food but after that makes me hungry ... .__. lol

Thanks to read Sasori, babee !
so real your food! Well I undestand you...

babee 11/14/2011 15:27:01   
Ruleslemanga 29

babee のコメント: Ruleslemanga のコメント: babee のコメント:So many food... lol

lol I love to draw food but after that makes me hungry ... .__. lol

Thanks to read Sasori, babee !
so real your food! Well I undestand you...

Thanks a lot !! __ There will be other pages with food I hope you're hungry lol

Ruleslemanga 11/14/2011 16:14:24   
babee 15

Ruleslemanga のコメント: babee のコメント: Ruleslemanga のコメント: babee のコメント:So many food... lol

lol I love to draw food but after that makes me hungry ... .__. lol

Thanks to read Sasori, babee !
so real your food! Well I undestand you...

Thanks a lot !! __ There will be other pages with food I hope you're hungry lol
I´ll be!

babee 11/14/2011 16:43:16   
Ruleslemanga 29

babee のコメント: Ruleslemanga のコメント: babee のコメント: Ruleslemanga のコメント: babee のコメント:So many food... lol

lol I love to draw food but after that makes me hungry ... .__. lol

Thanks to read Sasori, babee !
so real your food! Well I undestand you...

Thanks a lot !! __ There will be other pages with food I hope you're hungry lol
I´ll be!

Great !!

Ruleslemanga 11/14/2011 17:00:56   
Koragg 28

The first translation was nice but the new one is better !

Koragg 06/05/2013 11:07:18   
Ruleslemanga 29

Misstark makes a wonderful work ! ^^ Thanks a lot to her !

Ruleslemanga 06/05/2013 12:04:55   
misstark 20

é_è .... Where are my sunglasses ? >__ <

misstark 06/06/2013 00:25:51   
Ruleslemanga 29

:::::: !!! Karl-Henry ? Oh, he's on Facebook, he's waiting for you !! O [u] O (I didn't find better to tell you to go there... . [/u] . :::::

Edit : Oh, you already read my message on FB !

Ruleslemanga 06/06/2013 00:34:17   
misstark 20

Go to sleep, you really need it

misstark 06/06/2013 01:36:03   
Ruleslemanga 29

! I don't need to sleep, I need something else...

Ruleslemanga 06/06/2013 01:52:15   
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Sasori: cover




著者 : , ,

チーム : , , , , , ,

翻訳 : misstark

Original Language: Français

公開のペース: 毎日

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : アクション

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