Go! Go! Minky! Go by yourself if everyone is untrustful! 'cause I think the same...
she won't give up that easily!
Great atmosphere in this page!
thank you,I'm glad you like it! To set an atmosphere is one of the most hardest things.
NanaJ のコメント:thank you,I'm glad you like it! To set an atmosphere is one of the most hardest things. You're telling me, I'm doing a horror!
yeah...good horror comics are hard to do and hard to find too.
I agreed with you Mink!
babee のコメント:I agreed with you Mink! She would appreciate that
著者 : NanaJ
チーム : fikiri
Original Language: Français
タイプ : 漫画
ジャンル : アクション
による Europale98, Tsubaki de Vela
1349年。聖闘士達は冥王ハーデスとの聖戦を生き残って、聖域に戻る。し かしそこで更に恐ろしい戦争が待っている。
ページ: 31
更新された: 4月28日
による Gogéta Jr, TroyB
ページ: 151
更新された: 4月16日
による さぎなだ けい
ページ: 238
更新された: 11月11日
Go! Go! Minky!
Go by yourself if everyone is untrustful! 'cause I think the same...
Maew-RS 12/27/2011 12:43:19著者
she won't give up that easily!
NanaJ 12/28/2011 07:41:24Great atmosphere in this page!
Mart 12/31/2011 10:26:08著者
thank you,I'm glad you like it!
NanaJ 12/31/2011 12:29:44To set an atmosphere is one of the most hardest things.
NanaJ のコメント:thank you,I'm glad you like it!

Mart 12/31/2011 12:35:21To set an atmosphere is one of the most hardest things.
You're telling me, I'm doing a horror!
yeah...good horror comics are hard to do and hard to find too.
NanaJ 12/31/2011 12:57:47I agreed with you Mink!
babee 01/09/2012 02:15:03著者
babee のコメント:I agreed with you Mink!
NanaJ 01/09/2012 22:04:54She would appreciate that