著者 : Chewys
チーム : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Original Language: Español
公開のペース: 火曜日, 土曜日
タイプ : 和風漫画
ジャンル : アクション
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What are you seeing Roshi?
Kaioken Krillshinhan 09/24/2018 05:19:59Could Haarp somehow made Mr.Satan win? ^_^
Like... channeling energy into Satan secretly with a hidden technique?
At this point I must say this story has alot of tension.
The stronger Demons feel overpowering as I remember them.
It feels alot like the Dragonball at that time. Very impressive and enjoyable.
Thanks!!!! I´m really glad
Chewys 09/26/2018 23:37:18It is possible that Kami sama possessed Mr satan?
clapa94 09/25/2018 12:11:03At the beginning of the chapter (and seeing the cover) I thought that Mr Satan was also a cyborg (the C-10?). But Gero immediatly left the tournament after the defeat of Insectman.
Atan 09/25/2018 12:59:36So either Mr Satan is stronger or Kami possesed him (but why just now?)
And the winner is...
Jason Phoenix 09/25/2018 15:20:09Misteeeeeeeeeer Sataaaaaaaaaan!
Honestly, I don't know if Kami possessed Mr Satan, but since this is a test I don't think he would cheat the demons like that. But who knows?
I think you owe somebody some money now Chewys
Chewys 09/26/2018 23:37:39Yeah I don't think Kami possessed Mr Satan because Mr Satan was definitely acting like himself and in the main canon of DB when Kami possessed Hero, he didn't act like Hero.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 09/25/2018 21:58:46Either Haarp cheated somehow (maybe psychically interfered with Chiaotzu's technique) -OR- maybe Mr Satan received Ki training in this Universe and was just using his faking a stomachache technique to pretend to be caught in Chiaotzu's psychic technique until Chiaotzu let his guard down.
I actually hope it's that Mr Satan has received Ki training in this Universe, which would explain U9 Videl's knowledge of it in the DBM tournament in a different way than we expected. I hope that's what you're going for with this unofficial telling of U9's backstory, Chewys.
I think is possible that Kami possesed Mr Satan, becasue I would said the opossite thing, when Kami he possessed Shen (Hero), he was acting like him (a funny and awkward man) until the fight against Piccolo he start to act like Kami.
ChamanCaido 09/28/2018 14:52:10At the beginning he was definitely acting like himself,maybe Kami possessed him during the count
clapa94 09/26/2018 13:26:12Chewys, in the case that Mr. Satan is possessed by Kami, do I still win the bet?
John Boredonquixote 09/26/2018 14:47:34Is that Master Shen in the audience of the second panel?
The bet is won by whatever the referee says
Chewys 09/26/2018 23:40:07It seems we are even now.... wanna bet on this next match?
About Master Shen... he has glasses and no mustache
I feel like Kami possessed him and attacked Chaotzubas part of the test so he can learn to not let his guard down
Coolio1477 01/14/2025 08:13:02