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11 コメント
Chewys 31

Instead of Universum, use Universe, like Salagir does in DBM

Chewys 09/09/2019 02:14:16   

Got it

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 09/09/2019 12:13:54   
John Boredonquixote 10

Oh yeah! Roshi is back baby

John Boredonquixote 09/14/2019 12:25:18   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Maybe it's out Lord and Savior Popo-sama waking up from his nap to show Raditz that there is a Pecking Order. XD

All joking aside, I guess maybe Raditz does die here though I think it would've served the same function here if he up and left as he defeated those punks (Kami could've escaped by using the carpet to fly back to lookout with his power disguised as 0 since apparently 0 can be done when one disguises their PL and therefore would be undetectable by Raditz' scouter.

I guess maybe Chewys does want to have a Saiyan Saga happen here like in U18 and while it'd be cool to see the Earthlings face off and defeat Vegeta and Nappa without Goku, I don't think it's necessary to have them face off against Vegeta and Nappa as Krillin in DBM would still know about their horrors the Saiyans committed from experiencing Raditz killing him and all his friends all those many years ago (from DBM U9 Krillin's perspective, not Krillin at this point in the past). Either way I'll be fine with what you do Chewys and I look forward to seeing how you have the story progress regardless of whether or not that includes a version of Saiyan Saga even though it's technically not necessary to the progression of the timeline since Raditz is a Saiyan and it doesn't matter whether Krillin experience the atrocities of one or 3 to know what evil monsters they are when he told U18 Goku that Saiyans are evil beings that he doesn't want to associate with.

I honestly don't want Vegeta and Nappa to come to Earth and just have them die trying and failing to conquer Helior cuz it fits with the rest of the pre-established DBM canon that they'd have sent Raditz to Earth to retrieve his brother so they'd have a 4th man for the mission and even them going at it with 3 of them fits since it happened in U19 if I recall correctly and in that version of them attempting to conquer Helior they failed cuz they didn't have enough manpower to conquer the planet.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 09/15/2019 11:17:32   

It also fits with Toriyama canon for them to abandon Helior once someone mentions the dragon balls to Raditz, he doesn't even have to die. They can just mention it to him. Do you think saiyan saga Vegeta would care a whiff about Helior if he thought Immortality is within his grasp?

And it would also be a nice introduction to Cooler down the line, if they never go to namek. Cooler can come to earth looking for the dragon balls

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 09/15/2019 12:25:25   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami のコメント:

I guess maybe Chewys does want to have a Saiyan Saga happen here like in U18 and while it'd be cool to see the Earthlings face off and defeat Vegeta and Nappa without Goku, I don't think it's necessary to have them face off against Vegeta and Nappa as Krillin in DBM would still know about their horrors the Saiyans committed from experiencing Raditz killing him and all his friends all those many years ago (from DBM U9 Krillin's perspective, not Krillin at this point in the past). Either way I'll be fine with what you do Chewys and I look forward to seeing how you have the story progress regardless of whether or not that includes a version of Saiyan Saga even though it's technically not necessary to the progression of the timeline since Raditz is a Saiyan and it doesn't matter whether Krillin experience the atrocities of one or 3 to know what evil monsters they are when he told U18 Goku that Saiyans are evil beings that he doesn't want to associate with.

The problem with the statement I bolded is that Krillin actually did meet Vegeta in U9.
On DBM Page 150, Krillin talks to U18 Goku, to which he proclaims, "I don't know you, but I know your Saiyan friend." in reference to Vegeta. It actually would matter to the timeline progression of U9 because the fight with Vegeta was how Frieza obtained knowledge of the Dragon Balls(Cooler in the case of U9).
As we have already seen from the Frost Demons in U8, Cooler would still be interested in the wish of immortality whether Frieza and Cold were alive or not.
It's possible he could go to Namek first, but there could be a big difference in how the story develops because Krillin would kill Vegeta on Earth instead of sparing him like Goku did.
Also, if Tien and Krillin become strong enough to rival Vegeta and Nappa, then Kami won't have to intervene in the fight and Earth's Dragon Balls would still be around.
In U18, Vegeta abandoned the plan to use Earth's Dragon Balls because he read Goku's power level, and was worried that he and his friends together would be a problem for them. Vegeta tells Nappa to kill off everyone including Piccolo, and says that they can just find Namek to use a different set of Dragon Balls. If Vegeta never makes this inference, then Cooler would be less interested in Namek, and would instead focus his attention on Earth for the Dragon Balls.
Vegeta underestimates the Earthlings much more than a Saiyan or like Goku, so he wouldn't be as adamant to finish them off quickly in U9.

Or, I could be entirely wrong, and Kami dies and we still get a Namek Saga, albeit with no Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Dodoria, Zarbon, Ginyu Force or Frieza; and we get Cooler and his forces instead.

Ultimate-Perfection 09/15/2019 18:25:45   

I would personally prefere it if Chewys did his own thing. It has already happened with the saiyans in u3. In "An Earth without Goku" Vegeta became a super saiyan and defeated Bardock, The Saiyans fought in wars against the frost demons and that's probably where Bardock became a super saiyan. Broly never became king and Bardock actually saw the Raichi threat coming. He just wasn't able to overule Vegeta, who didn't take it seriously. Hell Piccolo could have fought against Vegeta even.

I think restricting himself to Salagirs version would be detrimental to the story. Salagir isn't restricting himself to Chewys version for his u9 so why should he?

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 09/15/2019 18:35:59   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK のコメント:I would personally prefere it if Chewys did his own thing. It has already happened with the saiyans in u3. In "An Earth without Goku" Vegeta became a super saiyan and defeated Bardock, The Saiyans fought in wars against the frost demons and that's probably where Bardock became a super saiyan. Broly never became king and Bardock actually saw the Raichi threat coming. He just wasn't able to overule Vegeta, who didn't take it seriously. Hell Piccolo could have fought against Vegeta even.

I think restricting himself to Salagirs version would be detrimental to the story. Salagir isn't restricting himself to Chewys version for his u9 so why should he?

The reason Chewys' version is different than Salagir's is because the U3 (Chapters 64 & 65) and U9 specials hadn't been released at the time when Chewys started this fan-manga, which was back in early 2017. Chewys took many creative liberties and worked with what he had. Salagir even commented on here how similar Chewys' fan-manga is to his own, and actually had to rework parts of it so as to not be identical.

Regardless, Chewys still stays true to Salagir's source material as he can, with whatever context we are given throughout the main DBM fancomic and novel.
Although much of the finer details of each event in Chewys' and Salagir's versions are far different, the overall end result is still mostly the same.

Bulma still meets Gohan; Yamcha becomes Gohan's pupil; Yamcha and Bulma fall in love and get married; Krillin becomes Roshi's pupil; Tien renounces Master Crane and becomes a good guy; Tien and Krillin die and train with King Kai; Yamcha becomes a cyborg; the Saiyans, Cooler, the cyborgs, Babidi and Dabura are all defeated.

Ultimate-Perfection 09/15/2019 18:50:55   

Let me give you an example, when Chewys did "the conqueror" he had Cooler kill Cold in a game of thrones style plot of tricking Cold to lower his guard by cloning his brothers cells.

Yet in DBM King Cold, as far as we know, still lives. When Salagir saw Chewys version he found it fantastic, as he commented himself.

So deviating isn't bad in my opinion. It's obvious Chewys is following the grand lines of Salagirs story, for example we all know yamcha is going to become android 17. It's even been neatly forshadowed with Dr Gero trying and failing to kidnap Yamcha before.

I just think that if Chewys has his own version of how events will happen and I don't think he has to change that version the day Salagir releases more about u9. He could, but he doesn't have to. He should be able to tell his own story on it's own merits.

But it's all up to him

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 09/15/2019 19:08:15   
JoKar1007 5

Bankoku Bikkuri Shō!!!

JoKar1007 09/14/2019 16:25:18   

Master Roshi's final stand

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 09/15/2019 12:27:44   

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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Gokuのチームについて

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




著者 :

チーム : , , , ,

翻訳 : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

公開のペース: 火曜日, 土曜日

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : アクション

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