First japanese artist on Amilova... welcooooome Nakiringo !!!
We can already hear the Panty&Stocking-like ultra cool music background.. I want to see this animated \(@_@)/
Mimi: first japanese artist = profesionnal level so much details, I need to take time to look at each one seriously.
Redhead guitar girl...what more can you want?
*0* Amazing!
Fantastic !!!
"You don't deserve to breathe the air of hell." That one's tough dude.
著者 : nakiringo
チーム : ch3w, krustal-chan, Purple, tze
Original Language: 日本語
公開のペース: 月曜日, 木曜日, 日曜日
タイプ : 和風漫画
ジャンル : アクション
You can translate this comic via our online interface. Translating helps the artist to be more visible, and shows your interest and gratitude. Dedicated translators will be rewarded with Golds.
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1349年。聖闘士達は冥王ハーデスとの聖戦を生き残って、聖域に戻る。し かしそこで更に恐ろしい戦争が待っている。
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First japanese artist on Amilova... welcooooome Nakiringo
TroyB 10/26/2011 10:54:12We can already hear the Panty&Stocking-like ultra cool music background.. I want to see this animated \(@_@)/
Keruo Nasumishi 10/26/2011 12:31:49Mimi:
studio.takoyaki 10/26/2011 15:48:12first japanese artist = profesionnal level
so much details, I need to take time to look at each one seriously.
Redhead guitar girl...what more can you want?
Mart 10/27/2011 12:51:28*0* Amazing!
abby19 11/17/2011 10:47:21Fantastic !!!
Naruto 11/17/2011 11:05:56"You don't deserve to breathe the air of hell."
Black Mace 04/23/2012 01:35:37That one's tough dude.