I love this manga!
hide-chan のコメント:I love this manga!es weno que estara asiendo 666 a hora
I needmore!
This is amazing! I love the whole concept and the art is amazing
The story is interesting and it's drawn very well
$th time reading Spree killer love it!
More o/
Why does the brother say that the red-haired girl is a guy? And this manga is GREAT!!! I can't wait until nakiringo makes more!
because the red haired "girl" is a guy, says so in the manga.
This is great. I love the concept and the art and colours are beautiful. ♡
Indeed, it's awesome
I am in desperate want of more of the comic so...nakiringo should make more
The art is amazing and the story is sweet! can't wait for more!!!
it kinda makes me a little sad that Alex is a boy. I prefer Alex to be a girl, its more likeable
Plus wasn't this from like 2012 IM GOING TO CATCH RAGE!!!! where the hell is the rest of it aaaahaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHgjksdgsukgfj,gakmwhkgdsku.
i love his story i want more <3
i love this its so awesome i want more!!!!
ma gosh more ouo
This manga is so hardcore!!! I love. I NEED MORE!!!!!
著者 : nakiringo
チーム : ch3w, krustal-chan, Purple, tze
Original Language: 日本語
公開のペース: 月曜日, 木曜日, 日曜日
タイプ : 和風漫画
ジャンル : アクション
You can translate this comic via our online interface. Translating helps the artist to be more visible, and shows your interest and gratitude. Dedicated translators will be rewarded with Golds.
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による Europale98, Tsubaki de Vela
1349年。聖闘士達は冥王ハーデスとの聖戦を生き残って、聖域に戻る。し かしそこで更に恐ろしい戦争が待っている。
ページ: 31
更新された: 4月28日
による Gogéta Jr, TroyB
ページ: 151
更新された: 4月16日
による さぎなだ けい
ページ: 238
更新された: 11月11日
I love this manga!
hide-chan 04/16/2012 02:12:10hide-chan のコメント:I love this manga!es weno que estara asiendo 666 a hora
ocnarf16 06/04/2013 00:47:48I needmore!
Jessi 05/11/2012 14:34:27This is amazing! I love the whole concept and the art is amazing
TaraRain 05/13/2012 16:38:26The story is interesting and it's drawn very well
Neko-ni-Naru 06/30/2012 14:59:37$th time reading Spree killer love it!
RushBreaker 10/22/2012 21:15:21More o/
lig47 11/08/2012 21:16:47Why does the brother say that the red-haired girl is a guy? And this manga is GREAT!!! I can't wait until nakiringo makes more!
Skytail 11/10/2012 17:12:51because the red haired "girl" is a guy, says so in the manga.
Kolour 01/06/2013 08:50:02This is great. I love the concept and the art and colours are beautiful. ♡
Pink_Marionette 11/10/2012 19:19:50Indeed, it's awesome
TroyB 11/13/2012 21:42:00I am in desperate want of more of the comic so...nakiringo should make more
Nicole Reese 11/20/2012 11:15:21MOOOOREEEEEEEE !!!! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOREEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
affinity 12/08/2012 06:43:39٩(^‿^)۶
TroyB 12/08/2012 13:38:56The art is amazing and the story is sweet! can't wait for more!!!
Kolour 01/06/2013 08:49:22it kinda makes me a little sad that Alex is a boy. I prefer Alex to be a girl, its more likeable
AnimeAssa5sin 03/20/2013 17:04:12Plus wasn't this from like 2012 IM GOING TO CATCH RAGE!!!! where the hell is the rest of it aaaahaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHgjksdgsukgfj,gakmwhkgdsku.
AnimeAssa5sin 03/20/2013 17:07:24i love his story i want more <3
Tayuyya 04/30/2013 22:17:59i love this its so awesome i want more!!!!
flamelover55 05/12/2013 16:23:51MORE! MORE DAMMIT!!!!
BlackReaper Illisionist 05/17/2013 05:06:53ma gosh more ouo
evancene 09/30/2013 19:57:34This manga is so hardcore!!! I love. I NEED MORE!!!!!
lalata 07/24/2014 01:18:05I love this manga!!!! I'm desperate for more.... MOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!! MOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!! PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE.....
lalata 07/29/2014 23:33:49