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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku : manga cover

This is a non official-non DBM cannon copy-paste fancomic based in the Universes 3 and 9 of Dragon Ball Multiverse: what would have happened if Goku never went to Earth?

In Universe 3 Bardock organized a saiyan rebelion, overthrowing the frost demons. And Kakarotto wasn´t send to Earth (though he lived to adulthood in the Saiyan Empire). This events are described in the chapters written by Salagir and drawn by Faye.

In Universe 9, as seen in the first pages of this copy-paste comics. Kakarotto is shot down by Coola.

That´s why in both U3 and U9 (and U1 and U10 also we´ll see someday) there was an Earth without Goku, and so events there were idencial, for a time, in both Universes

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Original Language : Español

更新日 : 火曜日, 土曜日

ジャンル : アクション

タイプ : 和風漫画 - Saga

17970 comments in other languages.

TotalmentoTulio TotalmentoTulio 昨日 39章17頁 :(
TotalmentoTulio TotalmentoTulio 昨日 39章18頁 ¡ :!: !
louiselora louiselora 昨日 36章27頁 Whether you need ducted air conditioning or (...)
Chewys Chewys 1月19日 39章18頁 El nuevo sitio viene lento. Temporalmente (...)
Pascha Pascha 1月18日 39章18頁 Houlà ! Guldo s'énerve vraiment !
Rahvu Rahvu 1月17日 36章27頁 Yeah very understandable and too bad of cou (...)
Chewys Chewys 1月17日 36章27頁 Hi Rhavu! I used Webnode and in the last ye (...)
Rahvu Rahvu 1月17日 39章15頁 Gracias por responder Saberuneko, tuve que (...)
Chewys Chewys 1月17日 39章17頁 Jajajaja, hace años que tengo el Cafecito a (...)
Conner Conner 1月17日 39章17頁 Ufff a armarnos de paciencia. Por patreon n (...)
Chewys Chewys 1月16日 39章15頁 Amilova nunca volverá a ser mi página princ (...)
Chewys Chewys 1月16日 39章17頁 Buenas amigo!! La página esa no volverá a (...)
Conner Conner 1月14日 39章17頁 Chewys como estas? Cuando calculas que volv (...)
Yamcha Yamcha 1月14日 39章17頁 Ne lâche rien Chaozu ! Si Guldo lui pose un (...)
Coolio1477 Coolio1477 1月14日 14章28頁 They should have gotten him to defeat Muzan (...)

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