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5 コメント
DanB 2

Okay, leaving comments in the comments section la la
What does she mean about the bad in the first cell?

DanB 02/24/2011 18:27:38   
TroyB 41

DanB のコメント:Okay, leaving comments in the comments section la la
What does she mean about the bad in the first cell?

She's speaking in a cute way to her coat, telling her coat "Go back in the bag" .

TroyB 02/25/2011 09:10:21   
DanB 2

TroyB のコメント:
She's speaking in a cute way to her coat, telling her coat "Go back in the bag" .

Oh, okay. In that case:
Get in the bag now, coat.

DanB 02/25/2011 11:04:53   
TroyB 41

DanB のコメント: TroyB のコメント:
She's speaking in a cute way to her coat, telling her coat "Go back in the bag" .

Oh, okay. In that case:
Get in the bag now, coat.

Done, thanks !

TroyB 02/28/2011 15:09:06   
Diogenes Mota 8

He was never lost...

Diogenes Mota 06/28/2011 22:44:57   

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Amilova: cover




著者 : , ,

チーム : , , , ,

翻訳 : tze

Original Language: Français

公開のペース: 日曜日

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : アクション

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