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29 コメント
lauramma 3

This looks very bizare, and I like it!

lauramma 11/12/2011 15:09:06   
Mart 17

lauramma のコメント:This looks very bizare, and I like it!

There are more bizarre things to come

Mart 11/12/2011 15:37:58   
lauramma 3

Mart のコメント: lauramma のコメント:This looks very bizare, and I like it!

There will be more bizarre things to come

I'll be waitting then!

lauramma 11/12/2011 15:37:32   
TroyB 41

Mart のコメント: lauramma のコメント:This looks very bizare, and I like it!

There are more bizarre things to come
Mart のコメント: lauramma のコメント:This looks very bizare, and I like it!

There are more bizarre things to come

That's already a good level of weirdness, I like it .
Makes me think about this NIN video

TroyB 11/12/2011 15:54:45   
Mart 17

TroyB のコメント:
Makes me think about this NIN video

I've never seen this one, 10x fr the link

Mart 11/12/2011 16:22:52   
Drawly 11

Wow, this is mind blowing! Amazing page

Drawly 11/14/2011 10:59:07   
Mart 17

Drawly のコメント:Wow, this is mind blowing! Amazing page undefined

10x^^ You're one of the few people that doesn't say " That's just sick "

Mart 11/14/2011 11:02:09   
Drawly 11

10x^^ You're one of the few people that doesn't say " That's just sick "

Well, you could add some butterflys and flowers, maybe something shiny and smiling bees D This page may be sick but that is exactly what is awesome about it and I'm sure that's what you were going for :p Eather way, I love it

Drawly 11/14/2011 11:10:20   
Mart 17

Drawly のコメント:10x^^ You're one of the few people that doesn't say " That's just sick "

Well, you could add some butterflys and flowers, maybe something shiny and smiling bees undefinedD This page may be sick but that is exactly what is awesome about it and I'm sure that's what you were going for :p Eather way, I love it

10x again

Mart 11/14/2011 11:12:35   
Kazekage-chan 1

Wowww, sweet. I love it too! XD You have great great talent

Kazekage-chan 11/14/2011 11:21:07   
Mart 17

I'm blushing

Mart 11/14/2011 11:17:34   
Kazekage-chan 1

Mart のコメント:I'm blushing
XD It woud be cool if there were more smilies here so if someone wants to blush to show it properly XD

Kazekage-chan 11/14/2011 11:22:53   
Mart 17

Kazekage-chan のコメント: Mart のコメント:I'm blushing
XD It woud be cool if there were more smilies here so if someone wants to blush to show it properly XD

I was thinking the same thing before i wrote the coment

Mart 11/14/2011 11:29:46   
Robot Panda 7

Mart のコメント: Kazekage-chan のコメント: Mart のコメント:I'm blushing
XD It woud be cool if there were more smilies here so if someone wants to blush to show it properly XD

I was thinking the same thing before i wrote the coment

I should make that some day. But there's a pimp emote, what more could anybody really need... :pimp:

Robot Panda 11/14/2011 11:35:24   
Kazekage-chan 1

Mart のコメント: Kazekage-chan のコメント: Mart のコメント:I'm blushing
XD It woud be cool if there were more smilies here so if someone wants to blush to show it properly XD

I was thinking the same thing before i wrote the coment

I was thinking the same thing before I wrote a comment erlier XD

Kazekage-chan 11/14/2011 11:37:42   
Eskhar 31

For now, the story makes me think of a weird mix of Cube and Hellraiser (weirder than each one taken apart), which can only be awsome, horrific, and really bloody.
The brigth colors are a bit unsetling at first(I would have think of dirtier colors when I saw the covers - welle they're in Black and white so that was pretty stupid ^^')

I'm waiting to see what comes next *_* Keep up the good work !

Eskhar 11/16/2011 03:49:16   
Mart 17

Eskhar のコメント:For now, the story makes me think of a weird mix of Cube and Hellraiser (weirder than each one taken apart), which can only be awsome, horrific, and really bloody.
The brigth colors are a bit unsetling at first(I would have think of dirtier colors when I saw the covers - welle they're in Black and white so that was pretty stupid ^^')

I'm waiting to see what comes next *_* Keep up the good work !

I was thinking long time about the colors, but you know...why sould being in a twisted world surounded by monsters change you're skin color ( or everithing else in that matter ) . But still i made the background black and white to give the story a more depressing feeling.

Mart 11/16/2011 09:40:48   
Eskhar 31

Mart のコメント:
I was thinking long time about the colors, but you know...why sould being in a twisted world surounded by monsters change you're skin color

Totally true

Eskhar 11/16/2011 10:09:54   
johandark 34

Yeah the background in black and white is a great idea! Then blood is more red! jaja..This page Rocks! It remind me a little bit the monster of the Pan´s Labyrinth... jeje But a little fatter... xD Great work!

johandark 11/18/2011 19:46:42   
Mart 17

johandark のコメント:Yeah the background in black and white is a great idea! Then blood is more red! jaja..This page Rocks! It remind me a little bit the monster of the Pan´s Labyrinth... jeje But a little fatter... xD Great work!

10x, and as you'll see from the next page...she's not fat, she's pregnant

Mart 11/18/2011 19:48:20   
johandark 34

Mart のコメント: johandark のコメント:Yeah the background in black and white is a great idea! Then blood is more red! jaja..This page Rocks! It remind me a little bit the monster of the Pan´s Labyrinth... jeje But a little fatter... xD Great work!

10x, and as you'll see from the next page...she's not fat, she's pregnant

jajajamm... I wonder where this story goes... xD I liked very much the short story about the phsycologist and butterlfy you showed in forum... Let´s see where this long story goes

johandark 11/18/2011 19:50:27   
Mart 17

johandark のコメント:jajajamm... I wonder where this story goes... xD I liked very much the short story about the phsycologist and butterlfy you showed in forum... Let´s see where this long story goes

A lot of the details from the story won't be revealed will be kind of a mystery most of the time.

Mart 11/18/2011 20:03:12   
DrugOn 11

Your drawings are very climatic, industrial and brutal and that's the way I like it So keep up the good work!

DrugOn 11/19/2011 01:20:36   
Mart 17

DrugOn のコメント:Your drawings are very climatic, industrial and brutal

I couldn't said it better myself

Mart 11/19/2011 10:11:38   
DrugOn 11

Mart のコメント:
I couldn't said it better myself
That means I completely understood your point of view (at least I hope that)

DrugOn 11/19/2011 13:18:44   
Mart 17

DrugOn のコメント: Mart のコメント:
I couldn't said it better myself
That means I completely understood your point of view

You do I hope you think the same about the new pages

Mart 11/19/2011 13:24:34   
DrugOn 11

Mart のコメント:
You do I hope you think the same about the new pages
Yes, I'm gonna read them now, and I'm glad that you fixed the bug with them, cause yesterday I couldn't read the rest

DrugOn 11/19/2011 13:35:10   
forbes 10


forbes 03/24/2013 22:40:03   
Mart 17


Mart 03/24/2013 22:51:59   
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Original Language: English

タイプ : 漫画

ジャンル : スリラー

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