That was a good one, great colors.
Thanks !
poor rabbit, turtle does not understand....
Mister Turtle is really the "down-to-earth" kind.
Ibi のコメント:Mister Turtle is really the "down-to-earth" kind. I see xD Isn't gonna be in an adventure in the future? It would be fun :3
I wouldn't want to spoil the next stories to you, but that would surely be fun.
Ibi のコメント:I wouldn't want to spoil the next stories to you, but that would surely be fun. You do good, It's not at all being spoiled :3
著者 : Ibi
チーム : fikiri
翻訳 : Ibi
Original Language: Français
公開のペース: 毎日
タイプ : 漫画
ジャンル : コメディ
You can translate this comic via our online interface. Translating helps the artist to be more visible, and shows your interest and gratitude. Dedicated translators will be rewarded with Golds.
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による Gogéta Jr, Asura00
私達の世界ってつまらないよね?それよりファンタジーの世界がいいよね? 「ヘミスフィア」は研修中の魔女っ子メガンさんと彼女の言葉を話すネコ、そして2人の偉大な英雄の冒険を描く物語!
ページ: 56
更新された: 3月15日
ページ: 17
更新された: 10月5日
による Toshi.D
Toshi.Dに描かれたコメディ 和風漫画漫画を見てごらん!^^
ページ: 2
更新された: 5月21日
That was a good one, great colors.
Mart 12/01/2011 20:21:12著者
Thanks !
Ibi 12/02/2011 12:42:57poor rabbit, turtle does not understand....
ivy-mitsuno 12/01/2011 21:34:27著者
Mister Turtle is really the "down-to-earth" kind.
Ibi 12/02/2011 12:43:53Ibi のコメント:Mister Turtle is really the "down-to-earth" kind.
I see xD Isn't gonna be in an adventure in the future? It would be fun :3
ivy-mitsuno 12/02/2011 18:39:13著者
I wouldn't want to spoil the next stories to you, but that would surely be fun.
Ibi 12/02/2011 19:27:58Ibi のコメント:I wouldn't want to spoil the next stories to you, but that would surely be fun.
ivy-mitsuno 12/03/2011 15:46:09You do good, It's not at all being spoiled :3