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15 コメント
ceco1 6

so it begins!

ceco1 02/02/2011 11:37:52   
Bliss 1

Awesome cover - love the facial expressions - the guy in the back scares me. xD

Bliss 02/03/2011 20:17:27   
TroyB 41

Bliss のコメント:Awesome cover - love the facial expressions - the guy in the back scares me. xD
Glad you like it .
The guy behind... is coming soon .

TroyB 02/04/2011 08:14:20   
DanB 2

I like how more of her clothes burn off with each chapter

DanB 03/07/2011 12:15:53   
Sukodu 1

I'm in love with AMilova, she's my perfect girlfriend !!!

Sukodu 03/18/2011 19:36:04   
Mart 17

The guy in the back was shaded great ( and everyone else ofcourse ).

Mart 11/04/2011 10:56:35   
William Carrasco 2

how much of her shirt is going to burn.:question:

William Carrasco 12/06/2011 03:44:41   
TroyB 41

William Carrasco のコメント:how much of her shirt is going to burn.:at:

Ahahaaha good question .
Another question : if Premium members could see a shorter skirt, would there be more premium members ?

TroyB 12/06/2011 07:57:45   
Mart 17

TroyB のコメント: William Carrasco のコメント:how much of her shirt is going to burn.undefined

Ahahaaha good question .
Another question : if Premium members could see a shorter skirt, would there be more premium members ?

Or I can draw her myself with no shirt...

Mart 12/06/2011 09:02:48   
McLeod 15

Mart のコメント: TroyB のコメント: William Carrasco のコメント:how much of her shirt is going to burn.undefined

Ahahaaha good question .
Another question : if Premium members could see a shorter skirt, would there be more premium members ?

Or I can draw her myself with no shirt...

mwahahaha I want to see that

McLeod 12/06/2011 09:37:37   
lig47 8

I loved this cover (but it could be better if it was painted)

lig47 10/11/2012 02:43:45   
TroyB 41

lig47 のコメント:I loved this cover (but it could be better if it was painted)

True it should not be like this, it should be in color like that

Colors by Robot Panda, we used this illustration for the cover of the Book 2 .

TroyB 10/11/2012 11:34:50   
kanameslover 1

awesome sauce

kanameslover 12/07/2012 06:54:31   
Arminas X Steponkus 1

wow awesome manga love it XD

Arminas X Steponkus 06/30/2013 11:27:56   
little man 1

holely that was amazing oh and how much of her shirt gets brun

little man 03/26/2015 12:25:49   

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Amilova: cover




著者 : , ,

チーム : , , , ,

Original Language: Français

公開のペース: 日曜日

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : アクション

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