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ReguluS : comic cover

The time - the future. All events revolve around the giant armorclad military train Regulus. The people aboard are the only survivors of the Last Battle, and although each other's enemies, they are compelled to work together by the mysterious occurrences around them.
Project of 2007.

What do you say?

作画 :

Original Language : English

更新日 : On hold

ジャンル : ファンタジー - SF

タイプ : 漫画

10 comments in other languages.

christian thailande christian thailande 8月18日 1章18頁 hey! anybody about? let's encourage this au (...)
christian thailande christian thailande 8月17日 1章14頁 I like it,thank you!
ADT ADT 6月14日 1章8頁 this is awesome i love it super armored t (...)
ADT ADT 6月6日 1章2頁 awsome comic style drawing in colour
PartyGirl PartyGirl 6月4日 1章16頁 Awesome comic !!!
alrickdrinkson alrickdrinkson 6月3日 1章23頁 Spasibo for comment! you are welcome!
Dasha KO Dasha KO 6月3日 1章23頁 Spasibo for comment!
alrickdrinkson alrickdrinkson 6月3日 1章23頁 Your story mak me think about the movie "no (...)
Dasha KO Dasha KO 4月25日 1章2頁 I really like your graphic style! Keep up t (...)
BeBop BeBop 4月25日 1章2頁 I really like your graphic style! Keep up t (...)

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