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3 コメント
Mart 17

" Why...? "

P.S. I can't read some of the text 'couse it's too small

Mart 01/26/2012 18:09:09   
secondchildren 1

Mart のコメント:" Why...? "

P.S. I can't read some of the text 'couse it's too small
I'm sorry I know, this site has weird resizing... anyway, Siegfried is simply blabbing about the cockatrice occurences, facts non-facts ect.... That's why the cockatrice wants to be killed at the end

secondchildren 02/01/2012 15:08:57   
Mart 17

secondchildren のコメント: Mart のコメント:" Why...? "

P.S. I can't read some of the text 'couse it's too small
I'm sorry I know, this site has weird resizing... anyway, Siegfried is simply blabbing about the cockatrice occurences, facts non-facts ect.... That's why the cockatrice wants to be killed at the end

Hahaha...the first thing I thought of when you said cockatrice was the new Spartacus TV Series.

Mart 02/01/2012 17:35:39   

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Original Language: English

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : コメディ


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