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2 コメント
Ouroboros 28

It is a trap i fall in myself..but

maybe the panels should be different, grey border instead of black. for example.

It is clear enough that the pictures are from a story she is reading (little mermaid)

love the third and fourth panel very expressive.

Ouroboros 03/23/2012 23:01:47   
ivy-mitsuno 7

Ouroboros のコメント:It is a trap i fall in myself..but

maybe the panels should be different, grey border instead of black. for example.

It is clear enough that the pictures are from a story she is reading (little mermaid)

love the third and fourth panel very expressive.

hurm really? maybe I'll do that, it's just a simple adjustment.
And thanks! I apriciate a lot that you like the manga so far :3

ivy-mitsuno 03/24/2012 16:52:13   
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Moon Chroniclesのチームについて

Moon Chronicles: cover




著者 :

チーム : ,

翻訳 : zeldrak

Original Language: Português

公開のペース: 木曜日

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : ロマンス

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