著者 : Europale98, Tsubaki de Vela, mista, Atalante, Ouv, BigFire
チーム : diogo, Elramis, Aledileo, Absalom, BK-81, melow, Anubis, mista, vincentlenga
翻訳 : Aledileo
Original Language: Français
公開のペース: 火曜日, 土曜日
タイプ : 和風漫画
ジャンル : アクション
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Waaah Capricorno Nero, bellissimo !!! Bel disegno Ouv !!!
Bulma 05/16/2011 15:26:30著者
Bulma のコメント:Waaah Capricorno Nero, bellissimo !!! Bel disegno Ouv !!!

Ouv 01/04/2012 13:24:16Atalante is the drawer
I am "only" writing the story with Bigfire
I am so happy that Atalante accepted to draw Black War: I am not the right person for medieval style, but she definitly is
Ouv のコメント: Bulma のコメント:Waaah Capricorno Nero, bellissimo !!! Bel disegno Ouv !!!

. It is important because italians must feel invited to speak italian here 
Sool 01/06/2012 09:33:24Atalante is the drawer
I am "only" writing the story with Bigfire
I am so happy that Atalante accepted to draw Black War: I am not the right person for medieval style, but she definitly is
Atalante è l'illustratore
Sono "solo" l'uomo rendendo lo scenario con Bigfire
Sono così felice che Atalante accettato di disegnare Guerra Nero: io non sono la persona giusta per stile medievale, ma è sicuramente
Please Ouv use google translator to put subtitles on your comments when commenting in italian